"The Clinic That Cares"
Dr Andrew Hodges . Dr Sandy Jameson . Dr Marv Mattson . Dr Babette Baskerville
Low Stress Handling Certified Facility
Spay and Neuter
Why is it important to Spay and Neuter pets?
Spaying or neutering your pet is very important to avoid overpopulation and is proven to allow our pets to live longer lives. Females do not go into heat and males are less likely to wander or be aggressive.
While these procedures are considered routine because we perform them daily they are still invasive surgeries performed under general anesthesia.
What is included in a Spay and Neuter?
At the Sylvan Lake Veterinary Clinic our dog and cat spays and dog neuters include: intravenous fluids, pain medication during the surgery and 3 additional days of pain medication to go home, an overnight stay and an optional tattoo for cats.
We do this because we feel that these are required for these surgeries to make them as safe and painless as possible. Some clinics will offer these as options available above the cost of the surgery.
Are there optional extras?
You do have a few options to consider prior to surgery. Pre-anesthetic bloodwork gives us a window to the internal organs to make sure your pet is healthy and can tolerate anesthesia. Another option is to have the procedure performed using our surgical laser. As our pets sometimes get lost we recommend a tattoo or microchip as a form of identification.
Below are videos and information to help with your decision making prior to surgery. If you have any further questions please call and talk with one of our team members.